Dunblane in Bloom Awards to Local Businesses 2017

Dunblane businesses have been recognised for their hard work in brightening up the town. Sandy Mackay and Carolyn Murray, on behalf of local group Dunblane in Bloom, presented prizes to the Beech Tree Cafe, MacLean and Stewart Solicitors and Hairways. All three businesses were handed Mike Seal Trophies as reward for the stunning displays of colour on their shop fronts. The Beech Tree Cafe won Best Shop Front Display while the Most Improved Business Frontage trophy went to MacLean and Stewart. Hairways won the Best Hanging Basket trophy. Mr Mackay paid tribute to the hard work and creativity of all the businesses. He said:"Every year the businesses on the High Street do their bit to add to the work of Dunblane in Bloom to improve how our town looks. "I was very impressed by all the entries this year and I congratulate the winners for their hard work and commitment in making the most of their shop fronts. "I'm very grateful to George Haddock for acting as our photographer again this year."   Dunblane in Bloom have been working to improve the appearance of the town and surrounding areas. The projects involve planting beds at Smithy Loan and creating a rock garden and community garden by the Faerie Bridge.

The article from the Stirling Observer 230817

DiB 2017xx

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