John Morgan minibus and taxi driver service

71810875 cartoon yellow minibus with passengers inside

I provide a minibus and driver service. I am taking bookings for up to sixteen passengers for work days out, weddings, airport journeys, golf trips, club activities etc: I work for myself and therefore my overheads are relatively low in comparison to services that need to pay drivers and rates etc for parking land and premises. This translates to very competitive prices for journeys. Always a plus. I am fully legal with a full National operators licence and fully insured to carry passengers. I can be contacted anytime for a quote or enquiries.

Additional Info

  • Contact Name: John Morgan
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Phone: 07855 684581
  • Address:

    35 Main Street, Cambusbarron, Stirling FK7 9NN

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