What do you think about the roads around the station ?


If you've read the local press this week, and posters around the town, you might be wondering what the street audit is all about, or the improvements to the area round the station and how it concerns you.


The national sustainable transport charity Sustrans have money to improve the streetscape between Dunblane Station and the High Street and will be working with Stirling Council to make the area more pedestrian and cyclist friendly in particular for those with mobility difficulties -  but at the same time retaining access and parking for the station, businesses and residents of the town.


Dunblane Community Council has asked Living Streets Scotland to help with a street audit of the area in question, to make sure local people who use the streets regularly as pedestrians get a chance to say what kinds of things they'd like to see improved or changed. The idea is for comments made by Dunblane people to feed into the design work at an early stage so that the end result reflects the kinds of things the people of Dunblane need and want to see.


The street audit is taking place on the morning of Wednesday 30th July and volunteers from a wide range or organisations, and of different age groups, are going to help walk the route and note problem areas.


There's also to be a drop-in session, at Dunblane Christian Fellowship hall between 1.30 and 3.00 that afternoon, so anybody with particular ideas, concerns or worries can come along and make them known. Sustrans will also be hosting an information stand on Stirling Road on 30th July, and will be there to hear what ideas members of the public have about how they'd like this area of their town to look.


This will not be your only chance to let people know what you think, but it's an early chance to let Stirling Council and the Sustrans design team know what you'd like to see fixed, how you'd like to improve the area and what's important to you as you walk, cycle or drive through this gateway into Dunblane.


If you have any comments on any aspects of the project, as a whole, now or in the next few weeks, send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Read the Council's Press Release

Dunblane  NR bridge along Stirling Rd

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