
Shakila K hosts charity concert in Dunblane to honour Sir Andy Murray 

Fresh from opening for 1990s boy band, East 17, the 21-year-old Hertfordshire songstress, Shakila K, is hosting a charity concert in Dunblane to honour the town’s famous son, Sir Andy Murray. This concert - taking place in Dunblane’s Victoria Hall on 14th July - coincides with Wimbledon Men’s Final Day. 

This concert marks Shakila’s performing debut in Scotland – although she is no stranger to the country as a visitor.

Shakila, who’s currently working on her debut EP, commented, “I’m thrilled to be performing in Dunblane in honour of Sir Andy Murray. It’ll be a highlight of what’s turning out to be an exciting and enjoyable year for me, artistically.

“Sir Andy’s a living legend and, like many others, I was very sad when I heard he might retire this year - saying his ‘goodbyes’ to his fans at the Wimbledon Championships. I hope he doesn’t retire but, whatever he chooses to do, I thought it’d be wonderful if I could do something in Dunblane to celebrate Sir Andy’s impressive list of achievements.

“Since he’s still the reigning Olympic Champion, having won gold at the 2012 London Olympics and retaining the title at the Rio Olympics, I’ll be singing my London 2012 Olympic tribute song, ‘Thank you for the sunshine’, in the Dunblane concert.

“I’m sure the concert will be a great event and it’d be great to find, on the night, a hall packed with people wanting to celebrate Andy Murray’s many achievements so far.”

Shakila, who will soon be announcing some local acts to perform alongside her at the concert in Dunblane, is donating all the profit from ticket sales for this concert to the Victoria Hall.

About Shakila Karim 
Shakila Karim, 21, (@1Shakila) was born in Whitechapel, east London, in November 1997 at the Royal London Hospital and completed her primary school education at Gatehouse School in Bethnal Green. She is currently completing her studies at The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP) in London.

Shakila plays the piano, ukulele and drums – and has played the violin and recorder. She has been influenced by many great singers - notably Freddie Mercury, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Amy Lee, Avril Lavigne and Christina Aguilera. Shakila has many interests in the arts including dancing, fashion, painting, acting, sports and photography. She has her sights set on being the first chart topping pop star of Bangladeshi origin.

Thank you for the sunshine
Thank you for the sunshine was a song recorded and released by Shakila as a tribute song for all the people who made the London Olympics a huge success in 2012. This included everyone from the athletes to the volunteers.

Murray Cook from Stirling Council is conducting an Archeological Dig on Monday 20 May on Holmehill.

If you are interested contact Murray on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You are welcome to come and watch

The building in the High Street that the Community helped to revitalise, is now to house an Alterations Shop called SEWmarvellous

Read the article about 22 to 24 High Street, Dunblane

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Unconventional Oil and Gas addendum consultation

From: Lynn Sharp <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>  Sent: 30 April 2019 16:56 Subject: Unconventional Oil and Gas addendum consultation

We have been asked by Scottish Government to share information about their Unconventional Oil and Gas addendum consultation. This follows on from a consultation in October 2018 on An Environmental Report for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Government's preferred policy position, updated preferred policy position and a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA).
More information about the addendum consultation and the previous consultation are available below. The consultation will close on 25th June 2019 and any questions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Lynn Sharp

The Scottish Government continues to take a cautious, evidence-led approach to considering unconventional oil and gas. On 03 October 2017, the Scottish Government set out a preferred position that it does not support onshore unconventional oil and gas development in Scotland. The preferred policy position is subject to statutory and other assessments before the policy is adopted.

An Environmental Report for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Government's preferred policy position was published in October 2018, alongside the updated preferred policy position and a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA). Views were invited on the contents of these documents, and the Scottish Government's preferred policy position, during an eight-week consultation from October to December 2018. The responses are currently being analysed; the Scottish Government is  grateful to all those who took part in the consultation process.

Scottish Ministers remain committed to transparency and public engagement on this important issue.  As confirmed via Parliamentary Question on 26 March, the responses received to the recent consultation have led the Scottish Government to form the view that it would be helpful to provide some further clarification on a number of points raised in response to the consultation documents, specifically regarding the preferred policy position and its objectives. The Scottish Government is also taking the opportunity to update its position on the reasonable alternatives to the preferred policy position which were considered as part of the SEA process.

Our approach to the addendum consultation is in line with the cautious, evidence-led approach we have consistently taken towards the development of an unconventional oil and gas policy for Scotland. This is an important issue with strongly-held views on all sides, and it is only right that we continue this approach as we move towards confirming and adopting a final policy.

I can confirm that the Scottish Government has today published an addendum to the SEA Environmental Report, the preferred policy position statement and the partial BRIA, and will invite further comments on the points covered. Responses to the addendum will be considered in detail prior to any  policy position being adopted.

Responses are invited via the Scottish Government's online consultation site, Citizen Space: Alternative formats can be made available on request by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or calling 0131 244 9380.

In line with the initial consultation in late 2018, the consultation will run for eight weeks until 25 June, after which the responses will be analysed. Our final policy on unconventional oil and gas will be confirmed as soon as possible after this process is complete.


Article from Stirling Observer by Warren Hardie

Changes to parking in Dunblane are to be ‘phased in’ following approval of a new plan by Stirling councillors.  At a meeting of the environment and housing committee last Thursday, councillors gave the green light to a Community Parking Management Plan for Dunblane . The first phase of the plan will see the introduction of 16 town centre parking bays, as well as new drop off points outside Dunblane railway station. There will also be two ticket machines installed in the town at both the Haining and Millrow to support a new £2 parking charge between 7am and 8.30am.

Design options for improved cycle and parking infrastructure on the Perth Road were also approved. Once implemented, the plan is set to be monitored by Stirling Council over the following six months to determine whether further measures will be required. The council said these changes were the result of “extensive consultation” with Dunblane residents and an independent parking survey. Considered proposals to introduce further ‘pay and display’ parking across Dunblane town centre have not been included in this phase of the parking plan.

Convener of the environment and housing committee, Councillor Jim Thomson, said: “The community played a vital part in this process and their views helped shape the way that the new parking management plan will help benefit Dunblane. “A well-managed parking and transport system is key for any successful town, but a critical part of getting that right is being able to balance demand for parking without impacting on growth opportunities. “This plan will help manage commuter parking within the town centre, while taking into accounts the needs of businesses and those who work there.”

Chair of Dunblane Community Council David Prescott said: “We are pleased the council has listened to the community feedback and decided not to implement the major changes which they originally proposed, which would have disrupted the lives of many town centre residents and businesses.” He added: “We are particularly pleased that they have responded to our suggestions to provide much needed additional car parking spaces and that they recognise the problems caused by railway commuter parking to the life of the town.”

However, Dunblane and Bridge of Allan councillor Alastair Majury has criticised the consultation process. He said: “There were significant issues with the public consultation that took place. Most people in the community were not involved. “The plan agreed at the committee meeting is a lot different from what was originally put forward and people should be given a say before it is put in place.“The committee should have agreed to do that.”

Green councillor Alasdair Tollemache added: “Parking is an emotive subject and the exercise just completed will not please everyone. “The initial plans have been changed following the consultation and I welcome the phased approach and in any further stage we must concentrate on sustainable transport and work towards to long term solutions that concentrate upon reducing our dependency on cars .



Adam wows judges with Rubik’s trick


A Dunblane youngster is off to Las Vegas after winning top honours at a magic competition in London.  Eighteen-year-old Adam Black was awarded the Magic Circle’s young magician of the year title at their London headquarters. Adam beat five other young magicians, performing his signature Rubik’s cube routine, to take home the prize. Former Dunblane High School pupil Adam “still can’t quite believe it” and hopes he will be able to make a career out of his success. Taking to social media after winning the prize, he said: “Over the moon to announce that I have won Young Magician of the Year.“Thank you to everyone who has helped with the act and huge congratulations to all the other competitors, you all did great!”
Along with a trophy, Adam will also receive free membership of the Magic Circle and a trip to Las Vegas to visit McBride Magic and Mystery School. As a member of the group, he will be able to attend their events as well as learn tricks from the group’s seasoned professionals. Adam discovered his love of magic at the age of 10, after watching a live performance at Stirling Castle. He said: “I saw the magicians and was amazed, I said to myself ‘I want to do that.’”
Before taking to stage magic, Adam practised a few tricks he found online and showed them to his friends. From there, he joined a Young Magicians Club and has performed at a number of Dunblane Boys’ Brigade concerts and pantomimes over the years.


Along with card tricks, Adam’s specialist trick involves solving a Rubik’s cube in 15 seconds, before placing an unsolved cube in a paper bag. He then hands the bag to a volunteer, who opens the bag to find that the cube has been solved.
In 2017, Adam went on a work experience placement with the Edinburgh International Magic Festival, which saw him meet his magic heroes Penn and Teller. He said: “It was a great feeling, I’ve been watching their performances for years.” Adam will be performing on the Forth Valley Magic Circle’s annual Tricks at the Tryst which takes place on May 11 at Falkirk Town Hall. On the night, he’ll be performing the routine which won him his Young Magician of the Year award. Magic Circle club president Scott Penrose congratulated Adam on his success. He said: “It’s great to see so much fresh magic and the magicians of the future compete for this wonderful trophy. “Adam will no doubt have a great future following in the footsteps of some many others who have gone on to establish a great career.”


Pedal Power available for Dunblaners

Dunblane Development Trust has launched an electric bike demonstration and loan scheme for local residents. Thanks to funding from the Climate Challenge Fund and the Energy Saving Trust, two bikes have been acquired for community use.

The scheme is run on behalf of the DDT by a team of three volunteer demonstrators who will provide free introductory taster sessions, advice on how to ride safely, as well as an introduction to local cycling routes. Sessions may be followed up by loans for up to 7 days; subject to a small administration fee. All volunteers have cycle trainer qualifications and are aware of concerns about cycling on roads.

Lead demonstrator Tim Hughes says “These bikes provide an opportunity for local people to discover how power assistance can, not only overcome hills and wind, but also allow cyclists to maintain higher speeds on roads; thus making them less vulnerable to motorists’ impatience to overtake”

Anyone considering easier ways to travel in the Dunblane area, without jumping in the car and competing for parking spaces, are welcome to try out one of these bikes.

Arrange a taster session by calling 01786 822422 or 07910 695088

Further information at


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