Dunblane Community Council
What are community councils?
Community councils were set up with Local Government reorganisation in 1973. Their general purpose, as defined in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and in the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994, is:
“to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area and to public authorities the views of the community which it represents in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible”
“to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable”
This gives a great deal of scope to community councils to get involved in a variety of local issues: to develop local projects and activities (on their own or with others), and to represent community opinion to local authorities and public bodies.
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
The minutes of each meeting are in pdf format.
November 2009 - no meeting
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
The minutes of each meeting are in pdf format.
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
The minutes of each meeting are in pdf format.
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
The minutes of each meeting are in pdf format.
You can also view minutes of meetings held in previous years
Recent Successes & New Initiatives (DCC & Partners)
Transport - A 40mph speed limit is to be imposed on the road to Kinbuck. Street furniture is to be introduced in Ramoyle to reduce in appropriate access. Non compliant cycle lanes have been removed from between Claredon roundabout and Four Ways roundabout.
Economy - The community is now well positioned to secure financial benefit from the Windburn2 wind farm and likewise SSEN's new Cambushinnie substation.
Community - Creative Dunblane in the Burgh Chambers is pressing ahead with a market test of its Co-worker concept. One of the upstairs rooms is being refurbished prior to launch. Debate continues with Stirling Council on its Common Good Fund which continues to exclude the Burgh Chambers and Victoria Hall.
Environment - SEPA is updating its list of "Potentially Vulnerable Areas" (to flooding). The community is being asked by DCC to identify such areas (with supporting photos and videos where possible) so that these can be added to DCC's response to SEPA's consultation. SSEN is now planning substation upgrade work in Millrow which may have environmental impact.
Housing - A list of proposed planning gain (eg paths and cycle lanes) is being evaluated following Dandara's submission of a plan for Dunblane. Dialogue between Stirling Council and developers is not particularly transparent so a Freedom of Information request may be raised by DCC.
Our Approach
Dunblane Community Council starts by finding out the views of the community. This is done by surveys, a presence at events such as the fling, ongoing receipt of emails and facebook posts.
We establish and maintain partnerships with organisations throughout Dunblane and beyond. These include Dunblane Development Trust, the schools and Stirling Council. As well as hearing their views we acertain their capability to help us deliver our plan.
We develop, maintain and deliver (in conjunction with our partners) a plan for the local community
Transport | Promoting active travel, enhancing road safety and improving rail and bus services | |
£ | Town Centre & Economy | Improving parking, supporting streetscaping schemes and improving the visual appearance of properties |
Heritage | Exploring Dunblane's untapped potential as a tourist centre | |
Community | Nurturing Dunblane's five community centres and its public services such as schools; supporting events such as the Fling |
Housing | Protectiing the greenbelt, supporting affordable housing and ensuring services are not overwhelmed by reviewing and opposing planning applications where appropriate |
Green Spaces | Supporting biodiversity and cleaning up and enhancing Dunblane's Green Spaces |
Consultation Policy: the Community Council's approach to consultation can be read here
Area Dunblane CC has a reach across the wider Dunblane community and extends north and south of the town to nearby villages including Ashfield and Kinbuck. The Community Council boundary map can be seen on Stirling Council's website.
Role of Community Councils
Community Councils were set up as part of Local Government reorganisation in 1973
“to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area and to public authorities the views of the community which it represents in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible” and “to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable”.
This gives a great deal of scope for community councils to get involved in a variety of local issues: to develop local projects and activities (on their own or with others), and to represent community opinion to local authorities and public bodies. If there is a local issue which concerns you, you are welcome to come to our meetings or contact us to tell us your thoughts.
Background legislation
The general purpose of Community Councils is defined in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and in the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994.
Constitutional issues
The model constitution and model code of conduct for Community Councils can be found on the community councils’ page on the Stirling Council website.
Our Minutes | Our Dunblane | What We Do | Why We Are Here | Who We Are The Community Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month (January and July excepted) in Dunblane Library at 7pm. All are welcome. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Twitter: @DunblaneCC Facebook: Dunblane Community Council |
Update on Initiatives that DCC are presently helping to progress
Theme | Initiative | Context |
Community | Braemar / Newton Park poor condition | Play equipment is in poor condition and needs upgrade |
Community | Murray Brothers Signage | Wording Proposed for Dunblane signs- "...home of tennis greats Andy and Jamie Murray" |
Community | Dunblane HS 50th | Celebrations are ongoing and require support and publicity |
Community | Community Centres strategy | A guide to what they all provide is on Dunblane.info |
Community | Crime | Provide comms on a number of scams ongoing in Dunblane |
Economy | Windburn 2 Windfarm | 3 turbine tips to be seen from upper flats near DHS There may be windfall funding if the development proceeds. |
Economy | Cambushinnie Substation | There may be windfall funding if the development proceeds |
Economy | Common Good | Stirling Council is compiling a list of assets which are owned by the Community of Dunblane. |
Environment | Flood risk in North Dunblane | SEPA will compile a list of potentially vulnerable areas |
Environment | Streetscape reinstatement | Virgin (fibre) and SSEN (electric) require to reinstate at some point. |
Environment | Laighills Pavilion | There has been a proposal to demolish this and create an area suitable for a pop up coffee stall. |
Housing | Dandara Vision for Dunblane | Dandara have requested a community meeting |
Transport | Speed limits | A proposal has been raised to designate the B8033 to Kinbuck 40mph. |
Transport | Zebra Crossings | Zebra crossings are proposed for Doune Road, Old Doune Road and possibly elsewhere. |
Transport | Ramoyle traffic reduction | Street furniture is proposed to improve safety in Ramoyle. |
Transport | Dunblane - Stirling cycle route | Proposed routes are available for this cycle track |