
Piling Works – KippenrossTunnel to Dunblane Station

Download the complete letter from Network Rail

As part of a Scottish Government investment in our infrastructure, Network Rail is delivering work to electrify the railway across central Scotland. The next phase is the electrification of the railway from Grangemouth and Falkirk, through Stirling to Alloa and Dunblane will enable, longer, faster, quieter, cleaner and greener modern electric trains.  The benefits will be significant including a 15% reduction in journey time between Stirling and Edinburgh/Glasgow and up to 20% more capacity on morning and evening peak services to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Prior to installing the masts that will carry the overhead wires, we need to install piles and concrete foundations in the ground to provide bases for the masts that will carry the overhead line electrification wires. Shifts and times for these works between KippenrossTunnel and Dunblane Station are detailed below.

Community Drop-in Before the piling work starts, Network Rail is hosting a community drop in event where members of the public can come along and meet the project team to ask any questions and discuss the work. Tuesday 28th November, 4pm – 7pm, the Dunblane Centre, Stirling Road, Dunblane, FK15 9EY. Download the Flyer 

Piling work Dates & Times:

8th to 29th January 2018

Saturday night from 11pm to 8am

Sunday to Thursday 9pm to 5am

Teenager Nanayakkara Gunasinghe decided to sign up for a Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) after a careers adviser recommended them – and reckons the programme gives pupils the edge when it comes to the world of work. The 17-year-old from Dunblane completes an FA in Financial Services next summer and would like to do a Modern Apprenticeship after that. The two-year training programme, developed by Skills Development Scotland, gives youngsters real practical work experience as well as a qualification. Nanayakkara is also studying Highers in Media and English is already feeling more secure about the future. The Dunblane High School pupil applied for the FA despite lacking a vital maths qualification – but was accepted after showing a strong work ethic.

Nanayakkara, who is interested in politics and the cinematic arts, explained: “One of our neighbours is a careers adviser and recommended an apprenticeship because she knew I’d like it. “I felt that the course would give me a better chance than other people because you get so much experience in the workplace and a qualification at the same time. “When I applied I didn’t have my National 5 in maths but was accepted because what is needed is to show that you want to work hard and that you want to go places in life.”

For the first year, Nanayakkara spent alternate Fridays at Forth Valley College and at financial firm Prudential – but now works at the company’s offices in Stirling one day a week. The ambitious youngster says the job has exceeded expectations and shown the world of work to be less daunting than expected. Nanayakkara said: “The tasks change every few weeks but it has mainly been admin for the managers – helping organise team meetings, taking minutes and updating the system with new client information.

“Anything you do in the first year of your college learning is applied in the workplace so it’s a great opportunity and being in this environment has really helped my communication skills and my confidence. “I’ve also found that when I apply for part-time jobs employers are always very impressed that I have experience in a professional environment.” The teen added: “An FA was definitely the right choice for me and it has absolutely lived up to my expectations. It is hard work but it’s definitely worth the time. “The best thing is being at work. Everyone at Prudential has been really friendly and supportive – it’s just the nicest place you could be.”

Nanayakkara says the apprenticeship also gives youngsters a taste of adulthood. The apprentice explained: “The way you’re taught about work in school can make it seem very daunting but it’s not as terrifying as you might think. “A lot of my friends are worried about what they are going to do next but when you have done an FA you know that you have a career path. “I really do feel a lot more independent and ready for my future.”

Text from Scottish Sun 141117


Congratulations to Judy who becomes the third member of the Murray family to be honoured after her two sons.  She received the honour from Prince William for services to tennis, charity and women's sport

 STV News clip

Dunblane Scouts Christmas Post starts on 27 November and finishes on 15 December.

Stamps are 25p each  Download the Poster

Jim picked up this prestigious award in Glasgow recently. It was presented by athletes, Eilidh Doyle and Zoey Clark ... read more

From 23 July Stirling Observer Article
Fireman Jim Snedden has volunteered to go back to the Mediterranean on another refugee rescue mission after helping to save the lives of more than 2000 immigrants and he has earned this year's first

When firefighter Jim Snedden closes his eyes, he still sees the faces of the helpless little refugee babies and children he rescued from the sea and carried to safety. It may be nearly a year since the dad of three helped save the lives of more than 2000 immigrants stranded in flimsy dinghies in the Mediterranean but to him it seems like only yesterday. Jim spent three weeks last summer on a mercy mission with the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) charity helping refugees fleeing conflict in Africa and the Middle East via Libya. He is still haunted by the memories. As well as pulling men, women and children from the overcrowded boats, the trained rescue swimmer also plucked dozens from the sea who had fallen overboard. Jim, whose selfless bravery has earned him this year’s first Sunday Mail Great Scot Award nomination, is preparing to return to the Mediterranean, where the humanitarian crisis continues. 

He said: “I constantly think about the desperate souls on those boats. When I was out there, I was too busy to think about anything except getting people to safety but, since returning to Scotland, I haven’t been able to get the refugees – especially the babies and little children – out of my head. “The pictures on the news don’t do the horror of their plight justice. One day I boarded a small dinghy packed with at least 130 people. I noticed a hand reaching into the air from below the crush. I pulled out a 16-year-old girl, who threw her arms round my neck and refused to let go. I will never forget the look in her eyes.” Jim, of Dunblane, added: “I came home and hugged my children tighter than I have ever hugged them before. Seeing what I saw has made me appreciate my life even more. “I’ve signed up for another three-week mission with the MOAS in Malta and am expecting the call any day now. I just want to do as much as I can to help with what has become one of the biggest humanitarian crises of our time.”

Jim, who trains members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in swift water, river and flood rescues, admits it breaks his heart that, for the refugees, risking their lives trying to get into Europe is safer than staying at home. He said: “Before I left, I asked myself how parents could put their children’s lives at risk on these vessels but, after talking to them, I realised what they were fleeing from was far worse. “Some had been travelling for eight months, ending up in Libya where the men were tortured,  children were kidnapped and women raped. They would rather die at sea than live in Libya.”

The firefighter, who is dad to Lewis, 19, Stephanie, 18, and Vicki, 12, said: “My family knew I’d end up going back and they’ve been super-supportive, as have the Fire Service.”
Jim, who is married to teacher Helen added: “It’s a real honour to be nominated for an award. I can’t believe it.”

There are 40 Community Councils operating in the Stirling Council area. Community Council’s are groups of people who want to improve their area and the quality of life for residents.

Stirling Council is currently reviewing how Community Council’s work, looking at the rules they adhere to, boundaries, representation, communication and resources.
We are asking people to tell us what they think about Community Councils.
You can
• Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Write to us - Community Councils Review, Democratic Services, Stirling Council, Room 53, Old Viewforth, Stirling, FK8 2ET
• Take our survey (for paper copies of survey call 01786 233076) :


Lewis O’Donnell receives the cheque from Peter Gouw while BB Captain, Paul Christmas, looks on.


DUNBLANE Boys' Brigade received a generous donation from the local Fling event committee.  They visited the club to hand over a cheque for £275 from funds raised at the popular festival back in May.

From Stirling News 26 October 2017

The Community Council started a project this March at the High School with a view to creating a community garden. The initial funding came from a budget to reduce anti-social behaviour and promote inclusion. We believe that the outcome has been of such great benefit to the children and wider community that we are very keen to keep it going and need this funding to enable that.  

So far both our 'Young Carers Cookery Class' and the 'Garden Group' who helped to design the layout and grow the vegetables have used some of the ingredients they have grown to make soups and salads. So we are re-connecting children with the food they eat. Next year we hope to continue with that and also to sell some of the produce to the community or in the school to help fund our planting and costs for the following year. We also hope to have sessions for adult carers who can work in the garden during evenings and at weekends.  The project has helped inclusivity by engaging children with additional support needs; has given both children, teachers and the wider community life skills by showing them how to plant using organic principles and using companion planting and it is also aiding health and wellbeing with the youngsters.  We included an outdoor classroom in the design so other students can and have used the area and next year we hope to have a hidden seating space surrounded with sensory plants where children can have some personal space should they need it.


One significant outcome from this year is that the three local primary schools are now also looking at helping with our project and indeed hoping to set up their own gardens. Initially one of the ideas was to have the transitioning P7 children growing things that they would then see when they started in the August when joining their first year at High School, making transition easier and helping the kids to collaborate and make new friends. We hope to have that organised for this coming school year.  The school has even created a gardening award on the back of the project.

We want to keep our garden growing for years to come - so please support our project and give us your vote – thanks. Please vote for this project on the Aviva website, you can award your full 10 points. The link is:  The website can be a little slow to respond so please persist, this link takes your directly to the project, you then just either login or register and cast your 10 votes.


On Tuesday, October 24, the Bridge of Allan and Dunblane Rotary Club will mark World Polio Day along with other Rotarians across the country and with the 'Purple4Polio' campaign in full swing, Dunblane Cathedral and other buildings will don the colour for one night.

Since Rotary and its partners launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative nearly 30 years ago, the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than 99.9 per cent, from about 350,000 cases a year in 125 countries to under 15. But mass inoculation has to continue to ensure the final eradication of the appalling disease. In order to sustain the progress, local club members will be raising money to support 'End Polio Now' – for more, visit

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