
A major 12 month project to transform the area between Dunblane train station and the town centre began on 3rd November

The first stage is a renovation of the Allan Water bridge due to be completed by May 2016. Temporary changes to traffic flow and parking will apply during that period.

For further information click on the following links:

             December Progress Upate 

             November newsletter

             Traffic flow and parking change details here

             The Allan Water bridge's 600 year history

             Press Release from 8 September 2015

             Public Consultation from December 2014  

Tuesday 20th October Local History Society Talk in Cathedral Halls 7.30pm

The speaker will be Bill Inglis. To mark the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Sherriffmuir, Bill will describe the background and outcome of this notable local clash between the forces of the Jacobites and the Hanoverian Government.

Visitors welcome. Admission £1.50 includes tea/coffee and biscuits.

Sunday 1st November Historic Battle by Bike

Our special 300 year anniversary ride for the Battle of Sheriffmuir follows the Jacobites and Government forces from their camps, up Sheriffmuir and beyond, accompanied by our historian.

25 mile of scenic, rural roads, over steep hills and by rivers with brief stops to look, listen and lunch. Best for moderately fit cyclists. Electric bikes can be booked.

Sunday November 1st 9.45 am at Dunblane station, finish approx. 3.30 pm at Tappit Hen opposite cathedral.

Cost £15 includes lunch and handouts. 

Lunch is sandwiches, cakes and hot drinks and a bit of history chat.

Saturday 7th November RE-ENACTMENT of start of 1715 Jacobite Rebellion

There will be an event on Saturday 7th November 2015 in Cathedral Halls & Dunblane Museum 12 - 4pm. "The Proclamation" will be at 12 noon.

Hear the commander of the Jacobite soldiers declare the City of Dunblane loyal to King James III/VIII.

Come & see the Jacobite soldiers of the Earl of Mar's army of 1715. Hold the weapons & clothing of the Highlander of the Jacobite period. Hear the stories of the Highlanders & of King James.

"There's some say that we wan and some say that they wan
And some say that nane wan at a' man
But one thing is sure that at SheriffMuir, a battle was fought on that day man
And we ran and they ran and they ran and we ran
And we ran and they ran awa' man".

Work on the Laighills path ending at the bridge behind Cockburn Avenue has completed.  The scene in the picture was previously strewn with half bricks on a muddy surface that was flooded by the stream every time it rained.  Large boulders are being used to channel the stream and the path now sits at a higher level.

Work is now ongoing to build a board walk up towards Tannahill Terrace.

Read all about the dangers of Giant Hogweed from the Chair of Dunblane Community Council who spends a great deal of time spraying it in an effort to eliminate it from the Dunblane area.


On the 300th anniversary year of the Battle of Sheriffmuir, in the place that inspired Burns, Tannahill, Hogg, Lewis, Penny and others to compose verse that once made Dunblane a place of poetical pilgrimage, thanks to The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, scotsbard, Paraig MacNeil, is giving Dunblane a cultural kiss of life, unearthing her ancient yarn and weave to join it with the new verse of its present day bards, in a selection of poem and song.

The on-going e-book anthology’s three chapters will exhibit works of:
the traditional bards, the Battle of Sheriffmuir and the ‘15’, and the modern bards.

This will be available for all as a resource, to assist the growing population of the area, or increase a cultural identity focal point, helping to generate more of an interest in the local community through its native literature.

Also as a community project, part of Paraig’s contribution is to hold periodical showcase/performances in local venues, as well as constructing home-made videos with verse/lyrics for folks to follow.

Besides the traditional verse collected, Paraig has about eighteen modern contributors so far.  So, if you are resident in Dunblane and area and have been writing verse, or if you have written verse about Dunblane and area, or both, and wish to contribute, then please let Paraig know soon on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01786 824563.

‘The Bards o’ Allan Water’ is scheduled to be published in early November.  You can follow the project and the videos on:

On 18 June 2015 revised proposals for Park of Keir were lodged with Stirlng Council

Read the proposals document

Read all the planning documents 14/00455/PPP

(you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to the documents dated 18 June 2015 and later)

BBC coverage

Online petition against proposals

No Housing on Park of Keir Facebook page

Judy Murray has unveiled a stamp of her son Andy winning Wimbledon on the Dunblane postbox painted gold in his honour.

Dunblane Community Council has been campaigning for new anti-fraud technology to be fitted on ATM machines in the town, after they were targeted

Read the Stirling Observer Article


New Manager for the Braeport Centre

The DDT is pleased to announce that Kirsty Thomson is the new manager at the Braeport Centre.

Kirsty is a Dunblane resident and mother of two girls who attend St Mary's School. She has been a regular Braeport user for some years.

She has highly developed IT skills which will enable the Braeport to go online with the calendar and booking system as well as using social media (Facebook and Twitter) to advertise the Centre.

Kirsty is already fired up and full of enthusiasm and good ideas - just what we need as we progress towards community ownership.

Kirsty can be contacted by telephone on 01786 822422 or at our new email address - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am sure you will all make her feel very welcome.

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