DSCF0882A community campaign has been set up to stop housing being built on the green belt land at Hillside.

The Arnbathie Developments (Ann Gloag) and their property consultants Dandara
are having a consultancy with the community in the Victoria Halls supper room
between 3 and 8pm on Thursday 19th November for anyone wishing to attend.

More details here : https://www.facebook.com/STOPHILLSIDEHOUSES/

Tuesday 20th October Local History Society Talk in Cathedral Halls 7.30pm

The speaker will be Bill Inglis. To mark the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Sherriffmuir, Bill will describe the background and outcome of this notable local clash between the forces of the Jacobites and the Hanoverian Government.

Visitors welcome. Admission £1.50 includes tea/coffee and biscuits.

Sunday 1st November Historic Battle by Bike

Our special 300 year anniversary ride for the Battle of Sheriffmuir follows the Jacobites and Government forces from their camps, up Sheriffmuir and beyond, accompanied by our historian.

25 mile of scenic, rural roads, over steep hills and by rivers with brief stops to look, listen and lunch. Best for moderately fit cyclists. Electric bikes can be booked.

Sunday November 1st 9.45 am at Dunblane station, finish approx. 3.30 pm at Tappit Hen opposite cathedral.

Cost £15 includes lunch and handouts. 

Lunch is sandwiches, cakes and hot drinks and a bit of history chat.

Saturday 7th November RE-ENACTMENT of start of 1715 Jacobite Rebellion

There will be an event on Saturday 7th November 2015 in Cathedral Halls & Dunblane Museum 12 - 4pm. "The Proclamation" will be at 12 noon.

Hear the commander of the Jacobite soldiers declare the City of Dunblane loyal to King James III/VIII.

Come & see the Jacobite soldiers of the Earl of Mar's army of 1715. Hold the weapons & clothing of the Highlander of the Jacobite period. Hear the stories of the Highlanders & of King James.

"There's some say that we wan and some say that they wan
And some say that nane wan at a' man
But one thing is sure that at SheriffMuir, a battle was fought on that day man
And we ran and they ran and they ran and we ran
And we ran and they ran awa' man".

rms banner

The Stirling Recorded Music Society is a group of classical music enthusiasts who meet every 2 weeks to discuss and listen to recordings. At most meetings a member presents a selection of recorded music and background information on the composers & musicians involved. (The composers are by no means limited to the illustrative but otherwise arbitrary list shown above). The meetings cover classical music of all types from early music to the contemporary & encompass chamber, orchestral, choral, opera, vocal and ballet music. The recordings include both recent and historic productions.

Not every member makes a presentation;some just come along for the enjoyment of listening and meeting others with similar interests. Some meetings are "members' nights" to which members (or visitors) bring a short piece to be played to the group. Usually these will be new or unusual works.

We are a friendly group and all meetings are also social occasions for us, as classical music lovers, so even if you would just like to listen and meet with us without taking an active part, you would be most welcome.

All meetings are held fortnightly on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the Allan Community Centre, Fountain Road, Bridge of Allan.

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The club meet once a fortnight on Siundays and use their own cars sharing the cost of transport. The winter programme normally has low level walks within easy travel distance. In summer we go further and higher!

All walks (except where noted in programme) leave Dunblane at 9am from the car park by Tesco. Membership : single £3, Family £5


The Dunblane Likhubula Link joins the community of Dunblane in Scotland with the community of Likhubula, a rural community in the Mulanje district of Malawi.

Since June 2005 we have directly supported projects focusing on clean water supplies, agriculture, and education, as well as maintaining frienship links between the two communities.

We are trying to raise funds to provide suport to our friends and partners in Likhubula. Any help you could give would be hugely appreciated. 

You can donate here. Thank you for your support.

Dunblane Allotments

Dunblane Allotment Group (DAG) was formed in 2004 with the aim of re-opening the derelict allotment site at the Laighhills, which had fallen into disuse in the early 1980s. The next nearest sites are at Bridge of Allan and Stirling with long waiting lists. This has been a major development for the Dunblane community, providing a significant new amenity for the town in line with the current environmental agenda.

The 60,000 square metre site houses 53 plots of varying sizes. Work by 3 volunteers began in November 2004 and has progressed from there to a constituted organisation run by volunteers. The Management Committee meets monthly with open meetings held four times per year. Volunteers also work regularly to maintain the site and work parties are organised at intervals throughout the year to tidy up. The Annual Potato Day is held on the first Saturday in March (Check 'What's On' for the details). There are now 5 starter plots for members to try before taking on a full plot. Read more about DAG here.

In April 2016, a group from the Criminal Justice Team have made life much safer for the members of the Dunblane Allotment Group by relaying paths, which had become overgrown and very slippery, in the allotment. Read More

If you are interested in having a plot, contact the DAG Secretary, Penny Veitch (see below)

Dunblane.Info's What’s On? pages are the most comprehensive listing of upcoming events in Dunblane. If you have a local event coming up that you would like us to advertise and promote for free, just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. providing the following information

  • What is the Title of the Event?
  • Date (s)
  • Start Time
  • Finish Time (if any)
  • Location : Where is it being held?
  • Name and phone number and/or email address of Event organiser or contact person
  • Do you have a photo or an image that we can use? Please attach as a jpg or pdf
  • Any additional text you want to include?

 We will upload details of your event as soon as we can but it may take 24 hours. Many thanks





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