What's On During the Week


Holmehill Tree Planting - volunteers needed!

Saturday 07 December 2019  10:00am 

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There are 500 trees are to be planted on Holmehill courtesy of the Woodland Trust. Planting will take place on Saturday 7th December starting at 10am and continuing throughout the day. People are welcome to drop in and out during the day as suits other plans and children are very welcome. Bring your own garden tools - the trees are just plugs, so no need for big spades - small spades or a trowel would be ideal. Hammers/mallets to knock in stakes would also be useful.

This is all very exciting and we hope for a massive turnout across the community. We would therefore ask that those with contacts in Youth Groups or other Community Groups share this information as widely as possible - thank you.

If anyone has native species saplings that they would like to plant please bring them along on the 7th. If you cannot make it on the day and want to hand over any saplings contact David Prescott: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you can arrange to deliver them to him

Location Holmehill
Contact David Prescott: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.