What's On During the Week


Dunblane Gardening Club talk

Wednesday 05 February 2020  02:00pm 

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We meet once a month in the Cathedral Hall, the first Wednesday of the month and start in October. Each month we have a speaker on a gardening topic.


Our programme for the 2019/2020 session is as follows:-

2nd October 2019 - AGM plus " Linda's Garden Compendium"

6th November 2019 - "Gardening with Wildlife" by Suzanne Burgess from Buglife

4th December 2019 - Christmas lunch at the Gallery Restaurant, Forth Valley College

8th January 2020 - "Handmade Soap and Skincare" by Fiona Ritchie

5th February 2020 - "Scottish Cut Flowers" by Rosie Burgon

4th March 2020 - "A Legacy to John and Dorothy Renton" by Jim Jermyn, Branklyn Garden

1st April 2020 - "Over the Garden Wall" by Sally Lorimore from Willowhill Garden

Location Cathedral Hall
Contact Club Secretary Linda Bassett email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.