Summer Week of Music-Making for children ages 8-12 - Handbells in Harmony in Dunblane Cathedral Halls

Monday 05 August 2024  10:00am 

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Summer Week of Music-Making for children ages 8-12 - Handbells in Harmony in Dunblane Cathedral Halls

Handbell week for 8 12 year oldsDunblane Cathedral Handbell Ringers will be running a Summer Week of Music-Making for children ages 8-12 - Handbells in Harmony in Dunblane Cathedral Halls from Monday 5 August to Friday 9 August 10 am - 12 noon each day. So if you, or someone you know, are looking for a summer holiday activity for your 8-12 year-old, then just register at this link: - no music reading experience is necessary – we'll make music together, have fun, and finish the week with a performance for family and friends on Friday 9 August at 11.30 am.