Christmas Extravaganza

Thursday 30 November 2023  05:00pm 

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The Dunblane Christmas Extravaganza is returning on Thursday 30th November 2023!

The event will run from 5- 8pm on the High Street and town centre area and is completely free!

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for updates: (


We’re delighted that local businesses have sponsored the event this year, including WJM Solicitors (Barty’s),  G.S.Meldrum Newsagent, Baird Optometrist, Craft Central, McLean & Stewart and more to come.

Closed Roads

The High Street between Charisma and Gold Post Box will be closed to traffic from 4pm. This means that the entrance to Mill Row Car park is also unavailable at this time. It's probably best to avoid bringing vehicles near the area on the night. Please note, however, that Beech Road and Stirling Road will remain open to traffic to allow exit from the car park and train station, so please be careful and stay safe if vehicles are passing this area.


An opening parade, lead by Santa on his sleigh, will arrive at the train station at 5:30pm for Santa to turn on the Christmas Tree Lights. A choir at the train station will entertain the crowds with Christmas songs while we wait for Santa. The parade route will start at the Perth Road Roundabout, going down past the Library, down the High Street and along to the train station.

Santa's Grotto will be open for children to visit from 5:30 – 8pm. Please note, there may be a long queue. Children are welcome to take part in ‘reverse gifting’, where they give a food donation to Santa (which will go to local food donations charity Start Up Stirling). The most sought-after donations are 1 litre cartons of orange or apple juice, cereal bars, tinned meat, cooking sauces and tinned soup or cup-a-soup sachets.

Late night shopping

Most local businesses will stay open late to welcome customers. This event is a really great way to support local businesses while you enjoy socialising in the street.

Cafes open late

Most cafes and eateries will stay open late to welcome customers and make sure there is food and drinks on offer to everybody. We hope that this will include 2 visiting food vans parked outside ‘The Bank’.

Music and Performance

We’re delighted to welcome back local performers. This year there will be three performance areas! Located outside the train station, outside Glam House and beside the Gold Post Box. Look out for announcements and a performance schedule on our Facebook Page.

Storytelling Pods

After the success of storytelling pods last year, we’ll be welcoming back local authors into local venues this year. Updates coming soon on this on our Facebook Page.

St Blane's Charity Hub

St. Blane's Church Hall will be once again turned over to a range of local charities, from Primary School's Parents Associations to the Leighton Library, where there will be a wide choice of stalls where you can support these good causes. Some other local charities will be welcoming visitors at the The Bank at the Cross.


We’re welcoming back our friendly Alpacas from Thornhill this year too!

Closing Parade

The Queen Victoria Pipe band will lead a closing parade starting at 7:45pm. The parade route will start at the Perth Road Roundabout, going down the past the Library, down the High Street and along to the train station. The event closes at 8pm.

Event Map

In the run up to the event, we will publish an Event Map on Facebook highlighting all the businesses, performances, eateries and attractions confirmed to be opening for the evening.


This event is brought to you by the Town Centre Group of the Dunblane Development Trust.

A group of volunteers and traders dedicated to the revitalisation of Dunblane's High St Area.